Objectives : In this paper, characteristics of research methodology used in the field of Korean Medical Classics and its application was studied, with a focus on abductive reasoning that takes place in such methodology.
Methods : First, the properties of the Korean Medical knowledge system, production, circulation and consumption of Korean Medical knowledge, methodology of knowledge production, reasoning of hypothesis, Medical Classics research methodology and its examples were examined. Afterwards, the relationship between Medical Classics research and Korean Medical Doctors’s competence was studied.
Results : The knowledge system of Korean Medicine, formed by a knowledge production group changes continuously not unlike a living organism. Knowledge is produced through Sang(象) within human consciousness that lies in an existential relationship between the knowledge producer and subject, through means of abductive reasoning.
Conclusions : Creative knowledge production through abductive reasoning in the field of Korean Medical Classics will hopefully contribute to production of highly useful knowledge in clinical settings, complement and make change in the current Korean Medical knowledge system. Various teaching methods based on this research methodology will contribute to strengthening Korean Medical Doctors’s competence as well.