Objectives : Focusing on Wujutong's critiques for Xiebaisan misuse, this study investigates how Xiebaisan and its constituent drugs have historically been used by medical doctors and analyzes the disputes in the controversial context with a summary.
Methods : The contents of Xiebaisan prescription were collected and examined from the past literature and medical database, and the issues related to the debate were examined by analyzing the contents. Results : In the results of exploring the opinions of medical doctors, in general, Xiebaisan and Sangbaipi, a major medicinal drug, were seen to play a role in the work of reinforcing and reducing. In particular, Ye Tianshi was used with cold and pungent medicine to Xiebaisan as a method of releasing heat with pungent medicine for acute fever in spring, and at the same time, care was taken to avoid depletion of secretion in the stomach.
Conclusions : Wujutong's critique is that in early symptoms of viral infection, the misuse of Xiebaisan seems to emphasize the adverse effects of the illness. It is hoped that further research on Xiebaisan incremental medication will be conducted in the future to help clinical applications of Xiebaisan system medication.