저자 : 윤기령, 윤기령, 백유상, 장우창, 정창현 [Yun Ki-ryoung, Baik You-sang, Jang Woo-chang, Jeong Chang-hyun]
연도, 권호 : 2019년, 32권 1호
Objectives : This study attempts to identify the concept of Link meridian in previous medical books, and explore how Link meridian theory was used in a clinical practice focusing on YeTianshi.
Methods : This study looked at the medical books related to acupuncture and moxibustion in the past and the part where Link meridian is mentioned in the annotations of "Huangdineijing" and "Nanjing", and examined how medical doctors prior to YeTianshi used Link meridian in a clinical practice. And then this study examined treatment cases in the medical records of YeTianshi.
Results & conclusions : Yang‐Link meridian and Eum‐Link meridian were arranged as ascending route by the majority of medical doctors. However, there are doubts because startpoints of them are not "Jeyanghoe" and "Jeeumgyo" respectively described in "Nanjing". Link meridian is thought to be a structure that connects each meridian passing through crossing points with each crossing point itself as a starting point. Thus, Link meridian can be seen as a role in strengthening the connection of crossing meridians and balancing and controlling those meridians centering on each crossing point. The point that YeTianshi’s identifying that pathology of Eight extra meridians associates with liver and kidney(肝腎) to be a symptom of weakness, and his development of Link meridian's physiology and pathology through the relationship with other Eight extra meridians are thought to be more advanced than the previous medicine prior to YeTianshi.