Objectives : There are two aspects of Korean medicine perspective on teeth, including the fact that the teeth reveal the thrift and decay of kidney as 'Goljiyeo', and that SujokYangmyeongGyeong flows into the teeth. Since the interrelationships of the two have not been sufficiently studied, this study attempts to investigate the relationship between kidney and Yangmyeong on teeth based on the literature.
Methods : In "Huangdineijing", this study examined whether the connection between kidney and Yangmyeong respectively for the teeth appeared, and reviewed the sentences that can simultaneously examine the relationship between kidney and Yangmyeong. This study referred to previous medical books such as "Nanjing" as needed.
Results & Conclusions : This study confirmed that there is recognition that kidney and Yangmyeong affected the teeth in a complex way in various provisions such as the provision of "Joksoeumgijeol" in "Lingshu-Jingmai". Kidney and Yangmyeong produce wantonness(血氣) in food(水穀) and transform it to perform the process of producing the vitality together. However, there is an aspect that they oppose each other as acquired spirit and inherent vitality. Therefore, inherent and acquired incongruities may occur depending on the situation, which can be a cause of triggering the pathogenesis of the tooth. : This study has found herbal combinations used frequently in Korean medicine formulas used for insomnia treatment, and a result of network analysis composed of four communities. Each community consisted of herbs in affiliation of Yookmijihwangtang(六味地黃湯) and Samultang(四物湯), Bohyulchunghwatang(補血淸火湯) and Ondamtang(溫膽湯), Jungjihwan(定志丸) and Sanjointang(酸棗仁湯).