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劉河間의 運氣論과 그 運用에 관한 硏究

A study of Hagan's Ungi(河間運氣) theory and its application to modern soc…

저널명 : 대한한의학원전학회지
 저자 : 이동호, 박찬국 [Lee Dong-ho, Park Chan-kuk]
연도, 권호 : 2000년, 13권 2호
1. Ounyukki(五運六氣) theory was first developed from observation of astronomical phenomena. Natural phenomena were explained and incorporated into the concepts of Yukki(六氣), and Ohaeng(五行, the concept that all matter in the world are comprised of five fundamental elements), during Chŏn-guk(戰國) and Han(漢) periods. In that period. Kanji(干支, the method to present time with ten and twelve different kinds of symbol's combinations) was used to record Ounyukki(五運六氣). Theoretical study of Un-gi(運氣, the abbreviation of Ounyukki) was almost completed in Un-gichilpyon(運氣七篇) of Naekyong(內經). Un-gi(運氣) theory was further studied and considered to be very important socially, as well as medically, in Tang(唐), Song(宋), Kŭm(金), and Won(元) periods. Hagan(河間) published various studies based on Un-gi(運氣) theory in Kŭm won(金元) periods. 2. Hagan(河間) realized the limitation of a remedy method, of Sanghan(傷寒) theory. Therefore, he made an assumption that the prevalence of diseases in his period are closely related to Hwayŏl(火熱, a fire and a super-heat; two things out of Yukki(六氣)). His new theory was a result of the study on Kyongjon(經典, bibles of the oriental medicine) and the phenomena of nature. 3. Hagan(河間) used a combination of two basic theories of Pimuripsang(比物立象) and Hanhaesŭngjeron(亢害承制論) to make understood Hwayŏl(火熱) theory, Pimuripsang(比物立象) theory explains a method to appreciate the essence of things by comparing Sang(象, an expression of how something appears on the outside) and then making another Sang(象) from the comparison. Hanhaesŭngjeron(亢害承制論) is a theory to emphasize the importance of a balance of Yukki(六氣). It is that, if one of the elements is exceeded, other thing in the other five elements dominate the exceeded thing to control it for the balance between Yukki(六氣). In addition, he articulated P'yobon(標本. inside and outside of a thing) theory to differentiate the disease symptoms. These theories will help to distinguish real and fake symptoms of diseases, on which Hagan(河間) emphasized its importance. 4. Hagan(河間) published a new theory to explain Ounyukki(五運六氣) theory based on the observation of the nature and the experience from medical practice. And he added Chobyŏnggi(燥病機, course and rule causing disease in dry conditions) to Pyŏnggishipkujo(病機十九條, nineteen course and rule causing disease), it strengthened Pyonggi(病機, course and rule causing disease) theories. Moreover. he utilized Un-gi (運氣) theory in a real life situation by applying Un-giron(運氣論) to diagnosis like Maekchin(脈診, a method to diagnose by taking the pulse) and to prescription. 5. Modern society is an era in which it is hard to appreciate the principles of the changes due to the various unusual weather. Therefore, it is necessary to make a new paradigm using Un-gi(運氣) theory, like Hagan(河間) did in Kŭmwon(金元) period. 6. Unusual weather changes and the geriatric diseases such as cancer and diabetes, may have Sang(象) of Hwayŏl(火熱) theory at the other side. These diseases have been and will create more serious problems in modern society. As a method to solve these problems. it seems to be very important to understand and apply Hagan's(河間) Hawyŏl(火熱) theory to modern society.

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