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運氣學의 三陰三陽과 周易 乾卦 六爻의 相關關係에 대한 硏究

Study of relationship between three Ŭm and three Yang(三陰三陽) of Unki th…

저널명 : 대한한의학원전학회지
 저자 : 박찬국, [Park Chan-kuk]
연도, 권호 : 2000년, 13권 2호
Both of the three Ŭm and three Yang and the six hyo(六爻) of Iching are based on Ŭm and Yang theory and five phases theory. This paper is about mutual relation of them. First, every change in the universe is induced by Un and Ki. Un is the nature that things have their own. Ki is surroundings that things change in. Second, Un and Ki are not separate things. That is they are generated by each other. Third, both of them are the signs of change which means they are similar. The first Hyo (初爻) and Kwolŭm-pungmok(厥陰風木), the seond Hyo(二爻) and Soŭm-gunhwa(少陰君火), the third Hyo(三爻) and Teŭm-sŭpto(太陰濕土), the forth Hyo(四爻) and Soyang-sanghwa(少陽相火), the fifth Hyo(五爻) and Yangmyung-zogŭm(陽明燥金), and the sixth Hyo(六爻) and Teyang-hansu(太陽寒水) have similar principles. It is important to make clear up their meanings and mutual relation.

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