The conception of 'earth[土]' belonging to the five evolutive phases[五行] is cognized that it is not partial to any side differing from other four phases and it can control other four phases so, it is the first gate to enter the process of changes. In the five organs[五臟], the spleen come under the earth phases and it have been very importantly considered for past to now in oriental medical history, for example by Li Dongyuan(李東垣). In this study, the results are summarized as the followings. 1. The term of the acquired constitution[後天] made by So-ong(邵雍), a scholar in the north so-dynasty, is used in the study of the book of changes[易經]. And he said "The inborn constitution[先天] is the law of the nature itself and, the acquired constitution[後天] is the law of making the changes with the nature." In the myung-dynasty Li jungjae(李仲梓) made extract from this remarks 10 define that the spleen is the basis of the acquired constitution. So it considered that the the idea of changes(易) had an effect on the oriental medicine. 2. The one element of five phases, earth is the center of the changes and it composes the power of life with the sangsu(生數)-1, 2, 3, 4, and the sungsu(成數)-6, 7, 8, 9. In this process, the earth is the basis of the changes of the five phases. At the same time the spleen carry out the important physiological role in the human body controlling the other four organs. 3. In the change of the universe, the repetitionary movement of Yin(陰) and yang(陽) is the action of earth and it means illimitable division. In the course of this division all things change to new phases for example, the food changes 10 the ki(氣) through the action of spleen and stomach. So the organ of spleen and stomach is the space that the action of change occur. 4. Consequently the conception of bi(脾) is close to the pancreas that the spleen. And the duodenum is close to the conception of stomach because the space is the site of mito(未土). 5. The action of yin and yang in the ancient taegukdo(太極圖) is close 10 the connection of N-pole and S-pole. In the human body the two power is compared to the action of spleen and kidney, that means expansion and contraction. Also it means the inborn constitution and the acquired constitution so, it applyed to the all things in the universe.