Lee Shi Zhen(李時珍) raised a question in argument an the writer of Bao Ming Shi(保命集), which had been believed to be written by Liu Wan Su(劉完素), arguing that Bao Ming Shi(保命集), also called Huo Fa Ji Yao(活法機要), was written by Zhang Yuan Su(張元素). There were three representative arguments on the writer of Bao Ming Shi(保命集). One suggested that it was written by Zhang Yuan Su(張元素) while the other argued that it was definitely written by Liu Wan Su(劉完素). And another suggested that it was edited by posterity by combincing the works of the former two writers. After this study, it was found thet Bao Ming Shi(保命集) has Liu Wan Su(劉完素) and Zhang Yuan Su(張元素)'s unique medical thoughts in many descriptions resulting in controversial dispute. Through these arguments, a new hypothesis has been made that the third person who had studied Liu Wan su(劉完素) and Zhang Yuan Su(張元素)'s medical thoughts wrote Bao Ming Shi(保命集). Liu Wan su(劉完素) and Zhang Yuan Su(張元素) were quite different in medial thoughts and their works and they found different school, respectively. Therefore, if Bao Ming Shi(保命集) was written by Liu Wan su(劉完素) or Zhang Yuan Su(張元素), it is impossiple that Bao Ming Shi(保命集) has the two medical thoughts in many descriptions. So, it is regarded reasonable to argue that the person who had aquainted with the two medical thoughts wrote this book. Then another question can be raised : why the person wrote Bao Ming Shi(保命集), which integrated the two medical thoughts and. The answer is as follows. Liu Wan su(劉完素) and Zhang Yuan Su(張元素) became the founders of He Jian(河間) school and Yi Shui(易水) school, respectively, which have considerably affected later generations, suggesting advanced medical theory. The medical thoughts suggested by the two were sure advanced compared with the former generation, but subjective and biased enough to be critisized. So, it is thought that the third person wrote Bao Ming Shi(保命集) to recover those demerits and to describe more advanced medical theory. Zhongyi Xueshushi(中醫學術史) suggests that posterity edited Bao Ming Shi(保命集) by combinding Liu Wan Su(劉完素) and Zhang Yuan Su(張元素)'s works, which is different from my suggestment. In above description, it is said that the two medical thoughts were quite different, but Bao Ming Shi(保命集) has well-understood medical thoughts containing the two medical thoughts in chapter to chapter, and well coincides from cover to cover, which shows that it is written by one person not edited by posterity. My hypothesis can admit other arguments on the writer of Bao Ming Shi(保命集), recover the bias of those argument and solve the questions raised in other arguments. Therefore, I suggest that the person, who was well aquainted with Liu Wan Su(劉完素) and Zhang Yuan Su(張元素)'s medical thoughts, wrote Bao Ming Shi(保命集) to describe more advanced and complete medical theory by amending the bias and taking the merits of the two medical thoughts.