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傷寒論과 四象醫學의 病機에 대한 比較硏究

A comparative study on between Shanghanlun(傷寒論) and Sa-sang constituti…

저널명 : 대한원전의사학회지
 저자 : 이광영, 박찬국 [Lee Kwang-young, Park Chan-kuk]
연도, 권호 : 1998년, 11권 1호
After a comparative study on between Shanghanlun(傷寒論) and Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) in Pathogenesis, I got a conclusion like this. Sa-sang consitutional medicine(四象醫學) changed the directions to the medicine in the center of personality from the medicine in the center of Shanghanlun(傷寒論)'s demonstration, devided the personality of people by the size of Organ system(臟腑) into 4types of Tae-eum, Yo-yang, Tae-yang, Yo-eum(太少陰陽), and explains all the course of physiology, pathology, diagnosis, therapy of the body on the point of constitutional view. Comparing the features of two medicines, Shanghanlun(傷寒論) and Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學), Shanghanlun(傷寒論) devided the diseases into the three type of eum-yang based on eight principal syndroms(八綱原理), in accordance with evidence of illness, pulse and studied the therapy, Shanghanlun(傷寒論) set up the basis of medicine which is based on overall of symptoms and signg(辨證論治醫學). Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) distinguished the image(象) which is devided by the size of inherited Organ system(臟腑), refered to the symptom of diseases(病症) and decided the therapic directions. So Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) gave more accuracy to the therapy by subdeviding the process of differenciation of case(辨證) into 2 steps of differenciation of image(辨象) and differenciation of case(辨證). In view of etiologic factor, Shanghanlun(傷寒論) regarded it as a invading of pathogenic factors(邪氣), so Shanghanlun(傷寒論) has the medical theory of pathogenic factors(邪氣). But Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) regarded it as a disorder of the genuine energy(正氣)'s movements(升降緩速), so Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) has the medical theory putting first of genuine energy(正氣). But Shanghanlun(傷寒論) also recognized the constitutional difference basically and Sa-sang consitutional medicine(四象醫學) devided the constitution into Tae-eum, Yo-yang, Tae-yang, Yo-eum(太少陰陽) and explained the food-air-fluid metabolism(飮食-氣液之氣病證) as cold-hot, cool-warm and devided the the symptom of diseases(病症) into the interior and the exterior(表裏) as the up-down, slow-fast movements of eum-yang and insufficiency and excessiveness is between them. In the end, Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) has the theory of eight principal syndroms(八綱原理) faithfully which is the theory of differenciation of case(辨證理論) of Shanghanlun(傷寒論). Therefore Shanghanlun(傷寒論) made a lot of influence on originating Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學), Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) is the theory which is based on existing medical theory including Shanghanlun(傷寒論) and composed the new medical theory to the constitutional point of view. Sa-sang constitutional medicine(四象醫學) enriched the medical theory and developed the clinical medicine so it has the historical value in the medicine.

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