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鄒澍의 醫學思想에 대한 硏究

A research on the medical theory of Choo-Joo(鄒樹) -(centering around ph…

저널명 : 대한원전의사학회지
 저자 : 임진석, 박찬국 [Lim Jin-seok, Park Chan-kuk]
연도, 권호 : 1995년, 9권 호
Choo-Joo(鄒澍;1790-1844) was the medicine scholar who lived in the late peroid of the Chung-Dynasty and wrote 『Bon-Kyung-So-Jeung(本經疏證)』, 『Bon-kyung-Sok-So(本經續疏)』, 『Bon-Kyng-Seo-So-Yo(本經序疏要)』. In the books mentioned above, He annotated the chief effectiveness of herbal medicine(本草) which had been presented on 『Shin-Nong-Bon-Cho-Kyung(神農本草經)』 and 『Myoung-Eui-Byul-Lok(名醫別錄)』. He defined medical action of 315 herb-items with the many theories of various scholars. Scholars whom Choo-Joo has qoutated belong to the school of study of Chinese classics, and they have regarded 『Hwang-Je-Nae-Kyung(黃帝內經)』, 『Shin-Nong-Bon-Cho-Kyung(神農本草經)』 and 『Sang-Han-Lon(傷寒論)』 as great important cannon and have lived during the Myoung Chung Dynasty. The distinctive character of Choo-Joo belongs to similar academic traditions. It seems that he was appected mainly by 『Bon-Cho-Gang-Mok(本草綱目)』 written by Lee-Si-Jin(李時珍), Mok-Jung-Soon(繆仲淳)'s 『Sin-Nonng-Bon-Cho-Kyung-So(神農本草經疏)』, You-Yak-Guem(劉若金)'s 『Bon-Cho-Sul(本草述)』 and Yang-Si-Tae(楊時泰)'s 『Bon-Cho-Sul-Gu-Won(本草述鉤元)』. He contributed in two big sides. First, Choo-Joo(鄒澍) have achieved much contribution in biliographical study of Chinese classics(考證學). He analyzed the medical theory of herb-medicine, combining with 『Nae-Kyung(內經)』, 『Sang-Han-Lon(傷寒論)』 and many theory of various scholars in order to make research on the chief effectiveness that had been presented in "Shin-Nong-Bon-Cho-Kyung(神農本草經)". Therefore the practical application of medical theory and term which had been represented on classics were offered. Secondary, Choo-joo did great accomplishment in pharmacology. The point of his theory was grasping the effect of a medicine through distinctive one beyond general feature. He set up standards that grasp distintive feature as form, color, energy and taste, place of production and temper. And on the basis of these standards he investigated distinctive feature on various fields, then he induced 'the Uem-Yang-0-Haeng Theory(陰陽五行說)' from distictions. According to the these method of classification, form(形) stand for the resultant shape of herbal function, color(色) represent the active direction of herb, energy and taste(氣味) imply the ultimate active function of herb, the place of production(産地) and the period of occurrence(發生時期) symbolize symptoms. When he applied these method to seek for effetiveness, he regarded the field which revealed most representative feature as of great importance, and Combining remained distinctions with one another, he determined more accurate medicinal value. These method of obsevation solved contradiction which occured by equaly appling all medical herbs for the regular standard. The most important theory that represented in Choo-Joo(鄒澍) is to induce and to certify the distintive feature of herb into the 'Uem-Yang-0-Haeng Theory'. That is, concluded as "spring(生), growing(長), change(化), collecting(收) and storing(藏)". As the results of these studies, he made clear the action of medicine more concretly and made 'the Uem-Yang-0-Haeng Theory(陰陽五行說)' more concret and actual for applying. And he contrbuted to establish the standard for grasping the effect of medicines.

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